Source code for geometry.utils

""" This library is based on the module pulse.geometry by Henrik Finsberg. It
has been extended to account for arbitrary geometries.
import os
import h5py

from dolfin import (HDF5File, Mesh, MeshFunction, LogLevel,
                    VectorElement, Function, FunctionSpace)
import dolfin as df

    import mpi4py
    has_mpi4py = True
except ImportError:
    has_mpi4py = False
    if parallel_h5py:
        raise ImportError
    from mpi4py import MPI as mpi4py_MPI

    import petsc4py
    has_petsc4py = True
except ImportError:
    has_petsc4py = False

mpi_comm_world = df.MPI.comm_world
parallel_h5py = h5py.h5.get_config().mpi

[docs]def namedtuple_as_dict(named_tuple): """Returns an ordered dictionary of the namedtuple object. :param namedtuple named_tuple: namedtuple object :returns An ordered dictionary version of named_tuple :rtype dict """ try: return named_tuple._asdict() except AttributeError: return named_tuple
[docs]def set_namedtuple_default(NamedTuple, default=None): """Set default values of a namedtuple type. None by default. :param namedtuple NamedTuple: namedtuple type :param object default: default value """ NamedTuple.__new__.__defaults__ = (default,) * len(NamedTuple._fields)
[docs]def load_geometry_from_h5(h5name, h5group="", fendo=None, fepi=None, include_sheets=True, comm=mpi_comm_world, ): """Load geometry and other mesh data from a h5file to an object. If the file contains muliple fiber fields you can spefify the angles, and if the file contais sheets and cross-sheets this can also be included :param str h5name: Name of the h5file :param str h5group: The group within the file :param int fendo: Helix fiber angle (endocardium) (if available) :param int fepi: Helix fiber angle (epicardium) (if available) :param bool include_sheets: Include sheets and cross-sheets :returns: An object with geometry data :rtype: object """ # Set default groups ggroup = "{}/geometry".format(h5group) mgroup = "{}/mesh".format(ggroup) lgroup = "{}/local basis functions".format(h5group) fgroup = "{}/microstructure/".format(h5group) if not os.path.isfile(h5name): raise IOError("File {} does not exist".format(h5name)) # Check that the given file contains # the geometry in the given h5group if not check_h5group(h5name, mgroup, delete=False, comm=comm): msg = ("Error!\nGroup: '{}' does not exist in file:" "\n{}").format( mgroup, h5name ) with h5py.File(h5name) as h: keys = h.keys() msg += "\nPossible values for the h5group are {}".format(keys) raise IOError(msg) # Dummy class to store attributes in class Geometry(object): pass geo = Geometry() with HDF5File(comm, h5name, "r") as h5file: # Load mesh mesh = Mesh(comm), mgroup, True) geo.mesh = mesh # Get mesh functions meshfunctions = ["vfun", "efun", "ffun", "cfun"]\ if mesh.topology().dim() == 3 else ["vfun", "ffun", "cfun"] for dim, attr in enumerate(meshfunctions): dgroup = "{}/mesh/meshfunction_{}".format(ggroup, dim) mf = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, dim, if h5file.has_dataset(dgroup):, dgroup) setattr(geo, attr, mf) load_local_basis(h5file, lgroup, mesh, geo) load_microstructure(h5file, fgroup, mesh, geo, include_sheets) # Load the boundary markers markers = load_markers(h5file, mesh, ggroup, dgroup) geo.markers = markers origmeshgroup = "{}/original_geometry".format(h5group) if h5file.has_dataset(origmeshgroup): original_mesh = Mesh(comm), origmeshgroup, True) setattr(geo, "original_geometry", original_mesh) for attr in meshfunctions: if not hasattr(geo, attr): setattr(geo, attr, None) for attr in (["f0", "s0", "n0", "r0", "c0", "l0"]): if not hasattr(geo, attr): setattr(geo, attr, None) return geo
[docs]def save_geometry_to_h5(mesh, h5name, h5group="", markers=None, markerfunctions={}, microstructure={}, local_basis={}, comm=mpi_comm_world, other_functions={}, other_attributes={}, overwrite_file=False, overwrite_group=True): """ Save geometry and other geometrical functions to a HDF file. Parameters ---------- mesh : :class:`dolfin.mesh` The mesh h5name : str Path to the file h5group : str Folder within the file. Default is "" which means in the top folder. markers : dict A dictionary with markers. See `get_markers`. fields : list A list of functions for the microstructure local_basis : list A list of functions for the crl basis meshfunctions : dict A dictionary with keys being the dimensions the the values beeing the meshfunctions. comm : :class:`dolfin.MPI` MPI communicator other_functions : dict Dictionary with other functions you want to save other_attributes: dict Dictionary with other attributes you want to save overwrite_file : bool If true, and the file exists, the file will be overwritten (default: False) overwrite_group : bool If true and h5group exist, the group will be overwritten. """ h5name = os.path.splitext(h5name)[0] + ".h5" assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh) file_mode = "a" if os.path.isfile(h5name) and not overwrite_file else "w" # IF we should append the file but overwrite the group we need to # check that the group does not exist. If so we need to open it in # h5py and delete it. if file_mode == "a" and overwrite_group and h5group != "": check_h5group(h5name, h5group, delete=True, comm=comm) with HDF5File(comm, h5name, file_mode) as h5file: # Save mesh ggroup = "{}/geometry".format(h5group) mgroup = "{}/mesh".format(ggroup) h5file.write(mesh, mgroup) # Save markerfunctions df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving marker functions.") for dim, key in enumerate(markerfunctions.keys()): mf = markerfunctions[key] if mf is not None: dgroup = "{}/mesh/meshfunction_{}".format(ggroup, dim) h5file.write(mf, dgroup) df.end() # Save markers df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving markers.") for name, (marker, dim) in markers.items(): for key_str in ["domain", "meshfunction"]: dgroup = "{}/mesh/{}_{}".format(ggroup, key_str, dim) if h5file.has_dataset(dgroup): aname = "marker_name_{}".format(name) h5file.attributes(dgroup)[aname] = marker df.end() # Save microstructure df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving microstructure.") for key in microstructure.keys(): ms = microstructure[key] if ms is not None: name = "_".join(filter(None, [str(ms), key])) fsubgroup = "{}/{}".format(fgroup, name) h5file.write(microstructure[key], fsubgroup) h5file.attributes(fsubgroup)["name"] = key elm = ms.function_space().ufl_element() try: family, degree =, fspace = "{}_{}".format(family, degree) h5file.attributes(fgroup)["space"] = fspace h5file.attributes(fgroup)["names"] = ":".join(microstructure.keys()) except: pass df.end() # Save local basis df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving local basis.") for key in local_basis.keys(): ml = local_basis[key] if ml is not None: lgroup = "{}/local basis functions".format(h5group) h5file.write(ml, lgroup + "/{}".format(key)) elm = ml.function_space().ufl_element() try: family, degree =, lspace = "{}_{}".format(family, degree) h5file.attributes(lgroup)["space"] = lspace h5file.attributes(lgroup)["names"] = ":".join(local_basis.keys()) except: pass df.end() # Save other functions df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving other functions") for key in other_functions.keys(): mo = other_functions[key] if mo is not None: fungroup = "/".join([h5group, key]) h5file.write(mo, fungroup) elm = mo.function_space().ufl_element() try: family, degree, vsize =,, elm.value_size() fspace = "{}_{}".format(family, degree) h5file.attributes(fungroup)["space"] = fspace h5file.attributes(fungroup)["value_size"] = vsize except: pass df.end() # Save other attributes df.begin(LogLevel.PROGRESS, "Saving other attributes") for key in other_attributes: if isinstance(other_attributes[key], str) and isinstance(key, str): h5file.attributes(h5group)[key] = other_attributes[key] else: begin(df.LogLevel.WARNING, "Invalid attribute {} = {}".format(key, other_attributes[key])) end() df.end() df.begin(df.LogLevel.INFO, "Geometry saved to {}".format(h5name)) df.end()
[docs]def check_h5group(h5name, h5group, delete=False, comm=mpi_comm_world): if not isinstance(h5group, str): msg = "Error! h5group has to be of type string. Your h5group is of type {}".format(type(h5group)) raise TypeError(msg) h5group_in_h5file = False if not os.path.isfile(h5name): return False filemode = "a" if delete else "r" if not os.access(h5name, os.W_OK): filemode = "r" if delete: df.begin(df.LogLevel.WARNING, "You do not have write access to file " "{}".format(h5name)) delete = False df.end() with open_h5py(h5name, filemode, comm) as h5file: if h5group in h5file: h5group_in_h5file = True if delete: if parallel_h5py: df.begin(df.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Deleting existing group: " "'{}'".format(h5group)) del h5file[h5group] df.end() else: if df.MPI.rank(comm) == 0: df.begin(df.LogLevel.DEBUG, "Deleting existing group: " "'{}'".format(h5group)) del h5file[h5group] df.end() return h5group_in_h5file
[docs]def open_h5py(h5name, file_mode="a", comm=mpi_comm_world): if parallel_h5py: if has_mpi4py and has_petsc4py: assert isinstance(comm, (petsc4py.PETSc.Comm, mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm)) if isinstance(comm, petsc4py.PETSc.Comm): comm = comm.tompi4py() return h5py.File(h5name, file_mode, comm=comm) else: return h5py.File(h5name, file_mode)
[docs]def load_local_basis(h5file, lgroup, mesh, geo): if h5file.has_dataset(lgroup): # Get local bais functions local_basis_attrs = h5file.attributes(lgroup) lspace = local_basis_attrs["space"] family, order = lspace.split("_") namesstr = local_basis_attrs["names"] names = namesstr.split(":") elm = VectorElement(family=family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=int(order), quad_scheme="default") V = FunctionSpace(mesh, elm) for name in names: lb = Function(V, name=name), lgroup + "/{}".format(name)) setattr(geo, name, lb) else: setattr(geo, "circumferential", None) setattr(geo, "radial", None) setattr(geo, "longitudinal", None)
[docs]def load_microstructure(h5file, fgroup, mesh, geo, include_sheets=True): if h5file.has_dataset(fgroup): # Get fibers fiber_attrs = h5file.attributes(fgroup) fspace = fiber_attrs["space"] if fspace is None: # Assume quadrature 4 family = "Quadrature" order = 4 else: family, order = fspace.split("_") namesstr = fiber_attrs["names"] if namesstr is None: names = ["fiber"] else: names = namesstr.split(":") # Check that these fibers exists for name in names: fsubgroup = fgroup + "/{}".format(name) if not h5file.has_dataset(fsubgroup): msg = ("H5File does not have dataset {}").format(fsubgroup) logger.warning(msg) elm = VectorElement(family=family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=int(order), quad_scheme="default") V = FunctionSpace(mesh, elm) attrs = ["f0", "s0", "n0"] for i, name in enumerate(names): func = Function(V, name=name) fsubgroup = fgroup + "/{}".format(name), fsubgroup) setattr(geo, attrs[i], func)
[docs]def load_markers(h5file, mesh, ggroup, dgroup): markers = {} try: for dim in range(mesh.topology().dim()+1): for key_str in ["domain", "meshfunction"]: dgroup = "{}/mesh/{}_{}".format(ggroup, key_str, dim) # If dataset is not present if not h5file.has_dataset(dgroup): continue def get_attributes(): return h5file.attributes(dgroup).list_attributes() for aname in get_attributes(): if aname.startswith("marker_name"): name = aname.rsplit("marker_name_")[-1] marker = h5file.attributes(dgroup)[ "marker_name_{}".format(name) ] markers[name] = (int(marker), dim) except Exception as ex: begin(LogLevel.INFO, "Unable to load makers") markers = get_markers() end() return markers